diversity of plants in the lappish woodlands is not great, on top of
that the diversity is declining thanks to reduced smallholders. Many
valuable habitats are lost when meadows and pastures grow back. Also
in the forest many habitats disappear when the forest companies turn
forests into pine and spruce monocultures.
there is many plants growing here that can be used. During the two
years that the farm have been resettled we have used many of these
wild plants for food, medicine and other purposes. Below I have
listed these plants and written about the plant and how we have been
using it.
English name (Latin name)
Swedish name
Alpin bistort (Bistorta
herb is quite common in the mountains above the treeline. Below the
treeline it is dependent on meadows that are kept open since it
cannot compete in the long run with stronger herbs like Tufted
hair-grass (Deschampsia cespitosa)
and Cow-Parsley (Anthriscus sylvestris).
Therefore the herb is in decline below the treeline. The Alpin
bistort were growing sparingly on the Hill when we moved here, now it
thrives since we keep the meadows open.
You can use most parts of the plant to food. The seeds above the
white flowers is actually sprouting buds and can be used to spread
the plants since they easily start to grow. The buds are very tasty
to eat, with a nutty taste and they are and are very easy to collect.
The roots are small but have a very sweet taste and can be eaten as
they are. Also the leaves have a good taste and can be eaten as
Arctic bramble (Rubus
We have Arctic bramble growing on the hill but I have not seen any
berries. This herb is quite common in northern Sweden but it is
seldom you find any fruit here of some reason. I have only seen the
pink sweet tasting berry in eastern Finland (Etelä-Savo).
Except for the berry the leaves can also be used for tee or salad,
they might not taste the best but can be mixed in a salad with other
(Populus tremula)
There is one big and beautiful aspen tree on the farm but except of
that one there is not so many big aspen trees on the hill. We did
have plenty of small aspen sprouts that had been invading the
meadows, but most of them have been removed. In the surroundings
there is many aspen trees, on top of the mountain behind the farm we
do have a nice forest of aspen trees.
The bark and buds can be used for food but do not contain so much
energy. We have mostly been giving aspen branches to the rabbits and
of course used the wood for firewood.
(Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)
This plant look very similair to lingonberry. The berry do not taste
so much and have a mealy consistent.
lichen (Usnea)
There are several species of Usnea but they can be used in the same
way. They can be used as food in the same way as Island moss but if I
can choose I would rather eat Iceland moss since it taste better.
Beard lichen contain usnea acid that is useful in the treatment of
burn wounds.
(Vaccinium myrtillus)
Bilerries grows in plenty in the forests around the farm. We use
mainly the berries but also the leaves for tea. In winter we collect
the branches and give them to the rabbits, they really like the
branches. In berry season the chickens eat a lot of bilberries, they
find and eat them even if they do not dare to venture too far into
the forest.
There are two different birches growing here Downy Birch (B.
pubescens) and Dwarf Birch (B. nana).We mostly use
Downy Birch since it is more common around here.
We prefer to use birch firewood since it burns steady and long with
no sparks. The wood is also suitable for carving. The leaves are used
for tea and also for washing since it contains saponins. The inner
bark can be eaten but we have not eaten so much bark here. Every
spring we tap the birches of sap, its very good to drink and
sometimes we boil away the water to make syrup. The sugar content is
quite low so you have boil away a lot of water to get syrup.
(Menyanthes trifoliata)
This plant grows close to the water or in marshlands. This plant is
not edible but the leaves and roots have some medical properties. I
do rarely use this plant but usually I dry some and store in our herb
pharmacy.. The herb is extremely bitter especially the root. The root
and leaves can be used for indigestion.
Bilberry (Vaccinium uliginosum)
This plant is similar to bilberries, the bush is bigger and grows in
more moist areas than bilberries. The berry is bigger and blue as the
bilberry but white inside. We have only used the berries that taste a
little bit pale but is good when mixed with other berries.
(Rubus chamaemorus)
This small plant grows on the bogs with beautiful white flowers. The
berry is very delicious and easy to store since it contain the
conserving agent bensoic acid. We usually conserve the berries by
mashing them and put them into a jars, since we do not need to boil
the jam we do not lose vitamins. The leaves are a bit bitter but can
be used for tea.
There are two clover species on the farm, Red clover (Trifolium
pratense) and White clover (Trifolium repens). We mainly
use the sweet tasting flowers for eating, we also mix the leaves into
salads. Like all legumes clovers can fixate nitrogen from the air to
enrich the soil. Therefore they are suitable to use as green manure.
chick-weed (stellaria media)
This is a small herb with tiny white flowers. The whole plant can be
eaten as it is. Its one of the most tasty plants that we use for
Club rush (Shoenoplectus lacustris)
This sedge grows in the water with long green stems with small
bunches of brown flowers. The base of the stem is edible and taste a
little bit like cucumber, its a bit tricky to harvest the stem since
you have to reach down to the bottom of the plant that usually is
under water.
parsley (Anthriscus sylvestris)
One of our most important wild plants for food is cow parsley. It
grows in abundant on the farm. The leaves are good to eat, they taste
a little bit like carrot leaves. We dry a lot of theses leaves for
winter consumption. The root smells very strongly of parsnip but is
not edible as it is. Before you can eat the root you need to boil it
for around 20 minutes and throw away the water. I have tried to eat
the root without boiling and I threw up.
mint (Mentha arvensis)
I have only found this herb on the wet meadows, I was quite surprised
to find it there. Its the most common wild mint in Sweden. The mint
aroma is weaker than most of the other mint species.
(Vaccinium oxycoccus)
This small berry plant grows on the bogs. The berries look a bit like
lingonberries but are bigger and more intensely red . The taste is
very sour, they taste better if picked after the first frostnights.
We do not pick so muck cranberries since there are so many other
berries that taste better and are easier to pick.
thistle (Cirsium arvense)
The flower-buds are quite tasty, they have a nutty taste. The leaves
are nice ti use in salaf after the thorns have been removed. The top
of the stem is very tasty after removing the thorns, it taste like
(Empetrum nigrum)
The berries are very watery and is not suitable for making jam but we
make very tasty raw juice out of them. We just crush the berries and
squeeze out the juice and store in glass bottles. The juice keep for
quite a long time.
dock (Rumex crispus)
The best part of this plant for food consumption is the seeds that
should be picked when they are still green. The rest of the plant
contain oxalic acid especially old leaves should be avoided. We have
been eating younger leaves and the yellow root.
(Taraxacum vulgare)
According to me this plant have one of the best tasting root of all
the wild roots we eat here. The root is very bitter raw but after
boiling and throwing away the water it taste good. We have also made
a powder out of the root by drying, roosting and grinding it. The
powder smells very good almost like caramel. We add the powder to hot
water to make a nice drink. We also use the leaves flowers and flower
buds raw or cooked.
horsetail (Equisetum arvense)
This plant strengthen the skin and is good to have in water that is
used for foot baths. As for food the spring buds are edible. I have
also heard that the small rot tubers are edible and taste like
hazelnuts but I have not tried this yet.
speedwell (Veronica chamaedrys)
This is a small herb with small blue flowers. We use the leaves for
tea, sometimes we ferment the leaves before using them for tea.
woodmoss (Hylocomium splendens)
We use this moss as insulation between the logs when building log
alder (Alnus incana)
There are two species of Alder in Sweden but only Grey Alder grows
here. Its a nitrogen fixating tree and can possibly be planted close
to the gardens to increase the yields. The alder grows close by but I
have not found any on the farm. I think it might be a good idea to
plant some on the farm. The wood is easy to carve but is not so
Wooden chips from Alder is good to use when smoking fish or meat
since the wood contain low levels of tar. The leaves can be used for
The bark can be used for tanning.
(Aegopodium podagraria)
This plant is not native to Lapland and you find it mostly in gardens
where it can become an persistent weed. We have found this plant in
the neighbour village but so far it do not grow on the Hill and we
want to keep it that way. The leaves and stem are very aromatic and
can be used as food raw or cooked.
(Calluna vulgaris)
Heather grows in abundant in the forest. The flowers are small and
purple. We use heather in tea, it is said to have a calming effect.
Iceland moss (Cetraria islandica)
This actually no moss its lichen, a symbiosis between an algae and a
Iceland moss its the best lichen to use as food around here, but it
contains some acids that needs to be neutralised before eating. To
neutralize the acids you need a strong alkaline like lye from
deciduous trees. Its also necessary to boil the lichen for a couple
of hours or at least one to make the carbohydrates more digestible.
I have used this lchen instead of pasta to make a wild lasagne and it
turned out to be quite a tasty meal.
(Juniperus communis)
The blue cones that looks like berries have a strong spicy taste and
we use them mostly as a spice in food, we also make a fermented
beverage out of them. The needles are used as tea. The wood is hard
and good for carving, its very pleasant to carve with juniper since
it smells very good. We use the aromatic wood chips as incense and
also when we smoke fish.
tea (Rhododendron tomentosum)
This herb grows on the bogs. You can feel the smell of this plant
when you are close to a bog where Labrador tea is growing. You can
make an aromatic tea of the leaves but it is a bit poisonous and can
give you a headache and hallucinations according to some. I have
never got any hallucinations out of this plant but may be I need a
larger dose for that.
It is said to be a mosquito repellent, when I walk through a bog
where Labrador tea is growing I usually grab some leaves and rub into
my face then I smell good but I am not sure that it has any mosquito
repelling effect.
mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris)
We use the leaves as salad, they taste a little bit bitter and are
best to mix with other leaves. Lady´s mantle also have some medical
properties but we have only used is for food.
Lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea)
Lingonberry is very good to make jam from since it contains the
natural conserving agent bensoic acid. I would say that cloudberry
and lingonberry is the most important berries for us since they
contain a lot of vitamins and are easy to store.
Lousewort (Pedicularis palustre)
This is a semi parasitic plant that means that it steal some of its
nutrition from the neighbours. The leaves are quite small and its not
really worth the effort to go out on the bogs to collect them but
they are edible. The roots can also be eaten but they are also quite
(Filipendula ulmaria)
grows on moist meadows. We have plenty of this herb on the farm. The
leaves and the flowers contain salicylic acid, a derivative of this
compound acetylsalicylic
acid also known as Aspirin is widely used as conventional
medicine. Salicylic acid have a similar effect but less powerful. The
leaves contain quite low concentration of salicylic acid and can be
used as a nice sweet tasting tea. The flowers contain much higher
concentrations and is more suitable to use as medicine.
thistle (Cirsium helenoides)
This thistle grows in plenty on the farm. This is one of the few
thistles that do not have thorns on the leaves. We use the leaves as
Daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare)
This is a small plant with nice white flowers. The leaves are quite
small but I think they are worth the effort to pick since they taste
very good.
moss (Sphagnum)
We dry and store peat moss to use as toilet paper since it can absorb
a lot of moist and is antiseptic. Its superior to toiletpaper and a
bonus is that you do not need to feel responsibly for the forests
that needs to be cut down to manufacture shitpaper.
(Pinus sylvestris)
One of the dominating tree around her is Pine. We use this tree in
many ways. As for food we use sometimes the innerbark but more often
we use the needles as tea, the needles contain some sugar. Also the
rabbits like to eat pine needles in winter time.
The pitch are very useful since it antiseptic, it can be used on
wounds and tooth pain. Mixed with wax and oil you can make a nice
ointment out of the pitch.
The wood is not suitable for outdoors fires since it contain tar. We
have also extracting the tar by
dry distillation.
(Plantago major)
This is a useful medical herb. Its rich content of mucous substances
and silicon gives it wound healing properties. Its good to use for
external wounds and also internal for problems with the stomach and
throat. If you pick the seeds and put them in water you will soon
have a mucus soup.
The leaves are good to eat as they are.
(Rubus idaeus)
Raspberries grows in plenty on the farm, but usually the chickens eat
them before we get a chance. Every year we pick and ferment a lot of
leaves to use as tea. The raspberry leaves do not taste so much as
they are but after fermentation the tea have a very rich taste.
Red-stemmed feathermoss (Pleurozium Schreberi)
We use this moss as insulation between the logs when building log
(Phragmites australis)
There is not so much reed growing in the nearest perch lake therefore
we usually go to the pike lake to harvest since the reed grows in
plenty there.
We have been using mostly for the storage clamps instead of straw.
Next year I want to tru to use reed as building. I have been building
and living in simple huts made out of reeds in my younger days.
As for food reed are not so useful. The only thing worth mention
might be the sugar rick roots. But they are difficult to collect and
you have to extract the sugars from the roots by boiling since the
roots are to fibrous to eat.
(Sorbus aucuparia)
We have several Rowan trees on the farm. The berries are very bitter
to eat as they are, they do taste a little better after the first
frost. We usually make jam from them, but they need to boil quite
long with a lot of sugar to be good to eat. Dried berries do not
taste as bitter and usually we dry some berries for winter. The
berries contain a lot of vitamin C.
The wood is very beautiful with a chocolate coloured core wood with
slightly yellow wood around. We use it to carve beautiful spoons. The
wood is also very hard and are suitable to make handles for axes and
pegs for wooden rakes.
(Picea abies)
The bark, needles and pitch can be used in the same way as pine. The
wood contain less tar and is more suitable as firewood, even if it
burns fast and sparks a lot.
We have mostly used spruce as firewood but that is because we have so
much spruce growing everywhere. We use pine and spruce when we build
The bark can be used for tanning.
Two kind of Sorrels grows on the farm Common sorrel (Rumex
acetosa) and Sheep's sorrel (Rumex acetosella). They
can be used in the same way. The leaves and flowers can be eaten as
they are and have a sweet sour taste. This plant should not be usd
everyday since it contain some oxalic acid.
Stinging nettles
(Urtica dioica)
are very important herb for us. We eat the leaves raw, dried or
cooked very often. We have seen that a daily consumption of nettles
leaves have reduced allergic problems. The seeds can also be
collected and used for food. The stems have very strong fibres and we
have made cords from the fibres.
Sundew (Drosera)
There are two species of Sundew Round-leaved Sundew (Drosera
rotundifolia) and Great Sundew (Drosera longifolia) around
here that can be used in the same way. These two plants are
carnivores, insects get caught on the sticky leaves and then enzymes
breaking down them. The enzymes also dissolve mucus and therefore are
good to use if you coughing up phlegm.
vernal-gras (Anthoxanthum odoratum)
This is a small common grass that still is easy to miss if you do not
know what to look for. When you chew the grass especially the root
base you will sense a mild sweet taste. The taste comes from a
chemical compound known as kumarin. We do not use this grass so much
except for chewing it then and then. The grass is mostly used to give
aroma to liqueur.
Tormentil (Potentilla erecta)
This is the first place I have lived on there I have not found
tormentil. This plant is an important medecin plant therefor I have
been collecting it on a farm quite far north from here. In swedish
this plant is called blood root due to the blood coloured root. The
root contains very high content of tannic acid. The root is good to
use for stomach aches. I slice the root and then dry it to store.
Vetch (Vicia cracca)
This is a legume that can fixate nitrogen from the air. The plant has
small bean capsules with small beans inside, the beans are edible.
Sälg, Vide
The genus salix is the one of the most numerous genuses in sweden,
They can be trees, shrubs and small plants. On the farm we have two
members of this genus Goat willow (Salic caprea) and
Dark.leaved willow (Salix myrsinifolia). There are more
species in the surrounding marshlands and lakeshores.
As well as the meadowseet the leaves and bark from salix contain
salicylic acid and can be used as aspirin.
The leaves and buds are edible raw and are very rich in vitamin c.
The bark can be used for tanning.
Wild Pansy (Viola tricolor)
This herb looks like a miniatyr penseé. The flowers are edible and taste like Jenka (a chewing gum that was around when I was a kid)
Willowherb (Epilobium
herb grows in plenty and can take over meadows if they are not
cleared. The flowers are a bit aromatic and can be used for tea also
the leaves are good for tea. I usually ferment and dry some leaves
from willowherb. The most important part for us is the rhizome. The
rhizome is high in energy and quite easy to collect. You should boil
it and remove the inner marrow before eating to make it taste less
strong. The taste is strong and burning a little bit like chilli. I
call it the chilli of the north. After removing the rhizome its easy
to dry it for conserving.
(Achillea millefolium)
This is a medicine herb that have wound healing properties but I have
not really any experience of using this as medicine.
We use the spicy leaves to mix in salad but since its a medicinal
herb it should not be used on a daily basis.